Trust. Respect.
Children & Divorce
As a parent considering divorce, you are probably concerned about your children. Research indicates that most children survive their parents’ divorce without long-term, negative consequences.
But because it has been shown that high conflict is damaging to children, one of the best things that you can do for your children is to choose a divorce process that will minimize the conflict between you and your spouse.
The following will help your children make a healthy adjustment to divorce:
- Regular and consistent quality time with each parent.
- A healthy parent-child relationship and a secure attachment with each parent.
- Protecting children from conflict.
- Positive parenting with love, good communication and age-appropriate limits.
- Outside support for the children. This could include friends, teachers, neighborhood and community support, grandparents and other relatives.
- Help children develop the social skills and self-esteem that serve as a buffer when dealing with problems.
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